Prince Edward Island
Law: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSPEI 1988 c F-15.01 (the Act). Please note that the Act applies to public bodies only. Private organisations are regulated at the federal level by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act 2000 (PIPEDA).
Regulator: Information and Privacy Commissioner of Prince Edward Island (IPC)
Summary: Prince Edward Island lacks a comprehensive private sector data protection law, and therefore private organizations are regulated at the federal level by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act 2000 (PIPEDA). However, Prince Edward Island has followed most other provinces and territories in Canada in enacting health privacy legislation, namely the Health Information Act, RSPEI 1988 c H-1.41 (HIA). In particular, the HIA establishes a right of access for individuals to their personal health information (PHI), the right to request a correction to their PHI, and establishes the authority of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Prince Edward Island (IPC) to oversee compliance.